Electronic Arts has announced a new installment in the Warhammer Online franchise that brings the series into the free-to-play landscape. Under their Play4Free heading, BioWare and Electronic Arts have announced Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes at Gamescom, which will launch sometime this fall.
Taking the PvP (Player vs Player) arena combat from Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, Wrath of Heroes will allow players to mix and match the game's many heroes, forming combinations that best fit each player's style and each individual encounter you may face.
With the main focus being on the PvP Arenas, you'll find plenty of them when the game launches. For one, you can enter into three-team combat of up to 18 players (six players per team), as players are separated between three different races. We'd assume that at some point, you'll be able to use real money to better outfit your characters, or perhaps even purchase new heroes, but for now, all we've been told is that the game will be free to play and that you can sign up for access into the game's beta on its official website.
We can't promise that everything in Warhammer: Wrath of Heroes will be free, but if you're like me, you're up for trying anything "free" at least once. We'll make sure to let you know when you'll have that chance later this year.
Are you a big Warhammer Online fan? Will you try to get your friends to play this new game with you now that the experience will technically be free? Sound off in the comments.
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